Why is it that people never say what they mean or mean what they say? It seems so easy for others to drop friendships or relationships like they don’t even matter, yet I see so many people upset by these actions as well. Just on Facebook this week there were statuses made about people wanting someone honest in their life. Someone who means what they say instead of speaking in cryptic messages. These type of messages leave people sad and wondering where they stand with someone. Why not just be honest? You may not get the response you want from someone, but at least you can say you kept your word that you wouldn’t lie to someone.


I have wanted to make my own statuses as well. If we have all of these people wanting honest dialog between each other, then how come we always end up finding the rotten eggs of the batch? The thing with an egg… it can take a very long time for it to go bad. It sits there… and it isn’t until you crack it that you realize it’s no good. The same could be said for relationships in Second Life. You build on a relationship there, and no, I am not just talking about dating relationships. I think everyone has experienced that friendship that ended because of a stab in the back. You think you are building something wonderful with someone. Slowly putting trust in that person until suddenly they let you down to the point you start second guessing every relationship you have. Why do we keep doing this to ourselves? I don’t think we have enough time in the day to cover that one question. TOOTLES!


Skin: DeeTaleZ – Ana Catwa head applier in Mixedtype

Head: CATWA – Tumble head

Mesh Body: Maitreya – Lara Mesh Body

Eyes: IKON – Odyssey Eyes

Hair: MINA – Neil @ The Crossroads

Necklace: Kibitz – Meli necklace

Top: ISON – wrap off shoulder sweater @ Uber

Pants: Blueberry – Tali fall pants

Shoes: Essenz – Rio de Janeiro